Let’s start this with a very basic question. What is content?

Content is something that is expressed through either digital or any other medium, as speech, writing, picture, video or any of various arts. To elaborate it further, any write ups/pictures/videos/info-graphics used on your social media channels, website, blog, emails, press release are all a part of content.
I’ve noticed that companies who do not give much importance to content end up not meeting their marketing goals. And, that’s what persuaded me to write this post. Understandably, content creation has not been a part of traditional marketing techniques and hence it is hard to relate it to the subject. However, I can’t stress enough on the fact that it is in fact one of the most important aspects of Digital Marketing. In other words, you cannot win without creative, impressive and relatable content.

Here are a few reasons why Content is indeed a fundamental part of any company’s Marketing Goals.

1. It builds brand awareness: Whether you’re a new business or have been in the market for a while. You’d still have an enormous amount of people who do not know about your brand yet. Creating good quality content and then further promoting it helps you in bringing that much needed recognition and new leads for your business. It is also a great way to increase traffic to your website or social media pages which will further make the audience notice your brand.

2. It builds trust with your customers: When you produce quality content on the subject of your choice or business, people are exposed to your expertise in that field which further helps them trust you more. We all know that trust plays an important role in the decision making process before a purchase. And hence, creating that confidence in your customer’s mind will keep bringing them back to you.

3. It works well for SEO: Here, it’s very simple. If you use the right keywords in your content your website will rank higher in the search results. That is if you provide relevant and informative content. Hence, it becomes an important part of Inbound Marketing.

4. It attracts the right audience/buyers: Generating content about your industry will attract ideal customers to your website or social media, further resulting in getting that much needed boost to your bottom line. You don’t always want to work hard in procuring those sales numbers. Let the right people get attracted to your brand through that perfectly strategized and laid out content.

5. It establishes your Brand: Putting out consistent and quality content will help your brand in getting that much needed recognition within your industry and beyond. In other words, it elevates your brand and gives you a reason to push yourself higher in your realm.

6. Shareable Content: Creating helpful content will compel your followers to share it further with their contacts resulting in increased brand awareness and new leads.

You need to understand that if your content is not up to the mark you will end up losing a big slice of that marketing budget on nothing because of lesser conversions. Instead, if you divide that budget into marketing and content creation there are more chances of you getting better results through that.

Conclusion: Advertising doesn’t get you the results it’s the content that you advertise which does.

If you’d like us to help you with creating unique, artistic and innovative content, write to us on contact@philia.digital and our creative team will be happy to assist. For more details on our services visit www.philia.digital.